Camberley Judo Club, Deer Rock Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4EP

Local sponsor launches initiative to fundraise for Camberley Judo club

Local sports and health supplement business Health Currancy has launched an initiative to help the club’s fundraising efforts for its Olympic-bound athletes, with proceeds from every pack of their natural health and sports supplement CurraNZ going to the club.

Health Currancy, sponsors of Camberley Judo athletes Nathon Burns and Karina Bryant, launched their health and sports supplement in 2014 and are keen to help support the athletes in their bids for Olympic qualification while launching their product into the market.

Nathon and Karina both approached Health Currancy to become product ambassadors after being impressed in their trials of CurraNZ, the first product of its kind scientifically proven to improve aerobic endurance and reduce muscle fatigue during and after exercise. Used by elite and Olympic athletes across many codes of sport, CurraNZ is gaining a growing reputation for what it can do for active people wanting to train harder and more regularly, without suffering muscle fatigue.

Nathon says: ‘CurraNZ has been brilliant for the difference it’s made to my lifestyle and recovery rate from the levels of training I do. I really feel it’s giving me a strong edge and is now a big part of my nutrition – I won’t train or going anywhere without it now.’

Olympic bronze medallist Karina is returning from a break in training and competition and has also found the 100% natural berry product has made a big difference to reducing her muscle fatigue.

Emerging science shows CurraNZ offers a range of not only sports benefits for athletes of any level or ability, but also important health advantages for staying well, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, promoting energy and helping prevent disease.

Camberley Judo Club customers will receive a discounted rate of £25 for a month’s supply of CurraNZ, with £4 from every pack of CurraNZ sold going to the athletes’ fund.

To take advantage of this great offer and support the Club’s athletes, use the discount code CJC14 when ordering from


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