Camberley Judo Club, Deer Rock Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4EP

Successful AASE Open day at CJC

Between 31st March and 11th April Performance Pathway Centres across the country hosted Judo Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE) open days for young aspiring judoka. A formal opportunity find out more about the programme and take part in some training.

The AASE programme is designed to meet the needs of aspiring elite athletes aged 16-19 who wish to continue their sporting career and gain qualifications at the same time. The Performance Pathway consists of eight Performance Pathway Centres that will be the main hubs of activity above Club level.

So if you have ambitions of being the best, make sure you are linking into your nearest Performance Pathway Centre in 2015!

Each Performance Pathway Centre will also run the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE) programme alongside weekly and fortnightly Randori. AASE is a programme that combines Judo and Education, giving you the opportunity to increase the
quality and quantity of training whilst achieving an NVQ Diploma in Sports Performance.

Any questions about the AASE programme please email

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