A huge thank you to Mr & Mrs Penny for their pledge to support our Elite Team at CJC with a regular monthly donation! The award will go to the athlete of the month, selected by CJC head coach Luke Preston. The first winner is Andrew Panayi, congratulations!
This kind of support is really going to make all the difference as we push towards Rio Olympics and major tournaments in the future. If you would like to support CJC and the Elite players you can make a donation online via our fundraising page. There is an option for a one off or regular donation, and you can choose to support an individual athlete or the Judo Club as a whole http://www.camberleyjudo.co.uk/support-the-club/
A big thank you to everyone who has already made contributions to the athletes, every donation is greatly appreciated. Let’s keep the support going and get CJC on the road to Rio!!