Camberley Judo Club, Deer Rock Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4EP

Advanced Juniors- New Full Time Coach- Vince Skillcorn

We are delighted to announce that as of the week commencing 5th September Vince Skillcorn began his new role as coach of the Advanced Juniors. Vince will coach the Tuesday and Thursday sessions and will co-ordinate all competition and training programmes for this level.

Vince is a GBR international and Senior British championship medallist. He has a wealth of experience of competitive and technical judo. Vince is a UKCC level two qualified coach and has been coaching successfully for many years. Vince will also continue his role as coach of the beginner/intermediate seniors.

Vince attended the Heart of England as his first event with this age group and will attend selected events with the Advanced junior team.

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