Camberley Judo Club, Deer Rock Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4EP

BJA Membership renewals

Dear Club Contact,


We are currently in the process of updating our database. Essential work on this is taking place from midnight on the 21st of February to midnight on the 25th of February.


Unfortunately this means that our online membership will not running during this period. We strongly suggest that you let your members know so that anyone with a membership due for renewal can do this in advance.


If any of your members are going to be entering the 2013 English Open via during this period (21st Feb – 25th Feb 2013) they must ensure that their licence is valid until 11th March before the close of the BJA online membership on 20th February 2013. The BJA online entry system will not accept their entry unless their licence is valid post the event date. Please bear in mind that the closing date for entries into the 2013 English Open is Monday 25th February.


Any new members in this period will need to send paper applications in the post or wait until the 26th if February.


I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, we will try to keep the disruption to members to a minimum during this period.


Kind regards


Harriet Barham

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